Three words that were shouted at me when I was out for a run by myself this week. Three words that rang loud in my head. Three words that could easily impede my progress. Three words that I will not allow to affect me.
I’ll admit it, what was yelled at me was true…. I’m fat and I was running. I have been working my butt off to learn how to run since March 12th and I am unbelievably proud of the progress that I have made since then. This week Team Myles ran 9 minutes and walked 1 minute for 60 minutes. We cut out a couple of intervals at the end and I ended up running 57 minutes of that 60 for 5.85km. March 12th me could NEVER have dreamed of running that much. Since March 12th, I have lost 12 pounds and my clothes are definitely getting looser. It’s not all about the weight number for me, it’s about feeling better and I feel amazing!!!! I’ve made significant progress, but of course, I’m still fat. That’s not going to change for awhile, but I am so happy about where I am right now. I say it over and over that Team Myles is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It’s hard to believe that 20 days from now, I’ll have already completed the Bluenose Marathon 10K!
The fellow that yelled those three words at me has absolutely no idea the work that I have put in. That night I finished my run with those three words ringing through my head. Instead of being insulted and hurt, I used those words as motivation to finish my run. I didn’t acknowledge that I heard him yell, I just kept running. Had he been at a stoplight, however, I definitely would have invited him to run up and down Citadel Hill with us. That’s no easy feat!
What really got me thinking though, is how many people would be hurt by those words? How many people would lose motivation to keep running or working out? I have heard stories from so many people that they go to a gym and feel judged or they are out for a walk or run and get yelled at so they just stop going. These people are out to get healthy, maybe lose some weight, and in general feel better. Why on earth would someone try to tear people down like that? Everyone has to start somewhere. Instead of wasting negative energy by judging, use it to support them. It takes a lot of guts to start a new fitness program and sometimes a simple smile or nod is all the support someone needs to bike/run/walk that extra minute or do that extra 10 reps of weights.
What I’ve learned from Team Myles is that the number of people out there supporting you is far greater than the negative small minds that want to hold you back. I’ve had so many Facebook friends write to me to say they are inspired to get out and moving because of my posts. The support from everyone has been overwhelming! I love seeing statuses of people getting active!
If you are being active and are feeling judged, remember why you’re doing what you’re doing. Even if you think you are alone, you aren’t. Remember the legions of support that you have. If you feel negativity, let it roll off of you like water on a duck’s back. As hard as it might be, keep on trucking and don’t let it affect you. Don’t let the small minds win!